
We believe one of our strong points is our skiptracing ability. We do not rely on some fancy database, the newest dialer, the latest greatest "interface" or "scrubbing" an account to find people. These technologies—while we use them and admit that they are advantageous—do not produce the results that a good, old-fashioned skiptracer does. What is the reason for this? It is the human element. We teach our collectors proven skiptracing techniques that allow them to connect with people in a real way, and this connection results in us obtaining information from third parties that other collection agencies could only dream of.
So how do we do this? Well, it has a lot to do with the time, effort, and techniques we use to train our collectors. We do more than just give them a script and throw them on the phone. We truly help them understand the psychology behind a skiptracing call and continually work with them until they have developed exceptional skiptracing skills. When a prospective client listens to one of our skiptracers, it literally puts a smile on their face because they are so impressed with the skill and ability exhibited. Therefore, while talking to a consumer is a vital talent (and one our collectors excel at), so is skiptracing.
Skiptracing should not be separated from "collecting." Do not be fooled by other agencies when they tell you that skiptracing and collections should be separate. Skiptracing is an integral part of collecting, and those agencies that separate the two actually complicate the collection process. This happens because a collector starts to become a drone and is not able to look at what is going on with the consumer from a "big picture" point of view. They simply sit at a dialer, read the same script repeatedly, and lose their ability to think and react to anything outside of the "standard" call. Our collectors, on the other hand, are always talking to neighbors, friends, relatives, property owners, bosses, and co-workers. In addition, these conversations help the collector develop a sense of who this consumer is, what is going on in the consumer's life, and why they have not paid their bill. Without this skiptracing knowledge, a collector is much less effective when they finally talk to a consumer. However, since our collectors have spent the time skiptracing and understanding who the consumer is, they know exactly how to handle the consumer from the very beginning of the call, and that is one of the reasons we collect more money.
The best skiptracer is a motivated collector. It just works better that way.